Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 17

October 7, 2012

I just broke my record for the longest time I've ever maintained a diet! yay. haha I know that sounds silly because 17 days is not very long, but I have not been a very strong-willed person in the past and I pretty much always would get to about day 14 or 15, cheat, and then not get back on the diet until a month later. So i'm pretty proud of myself. Actually I'm extremely proud of the fact that I was able to have that cheat day last monday and then immediately get back on the diet the next day (even though it sucked and I hated my life the next two days). I've never done that before! GO ME!!
Anyway it was a pretty regular day as far as the diet went. One thing I've noticed is that my moods have totally stabilized since I started this thing. I've honestly been in a serious back and forth state of depression since February of this year, and this is the first time that I've consistently been in a good mood for more than a few days. On Tuesday and Wednesday I wasn't feeling so hot, and I know exactly why - those were the transition days right after I ate a ton of sugar for my cheat day on Monday. Other than that I have been feeling on top of the world every single day that I've been in a considerable state of ketosis. I really haven't felt this great in a long time. I used to be happy in the mornings and then swing the other way when the evening came around, and it seemed like much of my reasoning, focus, and motivation went all haywire too. I can't even remember what that feels like anymore. I'm in a total state of clarity and I feel like I can see the world in a consistently larger perspective than I could before. It really is a great state of mind to be in. And I think this is an important discovery because I'm totally the type of person who eats for comfort - when I'm down or lonely I start chowing down the twinkies, chocolate, and ice cream, and though it may make me feel better initially I often feel much worse afterwards. I sabotage my own happiness by trying to cure it the wrong way. I would so much rather just never feel depressed in the first place, which is what I've been doing :) and even if I start to feel a little sad or down about something I have a much more optimistic mindset and way of thinking that helps me pull through it quickly and consider why I'm feeling that way instead of just wallowing in it and craving a quick fix. I really do love this diet

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