Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 11

 So... this is what I made for breakfast this morning, and I couldn't finish it so I took the rest with me to class and ate it for lunch, along with my leftover 1/4 sandwich from yesterday, and some celery sticks with about one Tbs of peanut butter...

I call it Zeggs (zucchinni eggs) 

2 large eggs
1/2 medium zucchini squash
1Tbs whipping cream
1/8c slivered almonds
1/4c shredded cheese

Whisk the eggs and cream together in a bowl with a fork until fully mixed and frothy. Grate zucchini into the egg mixture. Add the almonds. Pour into a frying pan and cook on low heat, stirring until slightly golden, then add and distribute the melted fatty goodness known as cheese throughout the zeggs. EAT.

I am continually being surprised and excited by this diet. Last night I ate a small turkey sandwich made with almond bread at 4pm, couldn't finish it, and couldn't bring myself to eat again at all the rest of the night (I even stayed up until 2am cuz I had to pick up my mom from Salt Lake). Seriously, I just wasn't hungry! And usually even when I'm not hungry I still crave carbs and sweets and will eat anyway, especially if I'm bored or sad. But I was bored all evening and kept thinking, maybe I should eat, that would pass the time...but then I just couldn't! I SIMPLY WAS NOT HUNGRY. And THAT is why I freaking LOVE this diet.

I will admit I've done diets in the past that taught me to be pretty obsessed with calorie counting, so of course when I started this one I was very paranoid about how many calories I was eating per day with all that fat intake. Because even if your metabolism is running in ketone mode you simply will not lose weight unless you eat less calories than what you burn. So anyway the last three days I decided to keep a pretty good food diary so I could make sure I was still eating a small enough amount of calories for weight loss. I figured out that my body burns about 2300 calories a day just by doing nothing, and the recommended daily caloric deficit for steady weight loss is about 500, so I decided that keeping my calories under 1800 would be a good starting goal. After three days of writing everything down and adding everything up, I found that I am consistently having a hard time eating even 1200 calories!!! (This is even with regular physical activity) The fat really does make me full, and I don't have any desire to eat any more than what my body wants, even if the food tastes really, REALLY good.


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